Terms of Service

Please read the following terms carefully before using our services. Each visit to our website www.beorol.com means that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these terms. If you do not accept these terms of use without restriction, please do not use our site.


Terms of use

Thank you for visiting our website www.beorol.com (hereinafter: the site). Please read the following terms carefully before using our services. Each visit to our site means that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms. If you do not accept these terms of use without restriction, please do not use our site. The content on these pages is provided by Beorol d.o.o. 121a Patrijarha Dimitrija st., Belgrade 11090, Serbia (hereinafter: Beorol). The information on this site is collected with the utmost care. Your access to, and use of, these sites is subject to these Terms of Use and the applicable laws governing this area. The Terms of Use apply to all content and services found at www.beorol.com. By visiting and using these pages of the site, it is considered that you are familiar with the terms of use and that without restrictions, you accept them. By accepting these terms, you are deemed to accept the use of the content of these sites solely for your personal use and at your own risk.


Copyright - Content Ownership

The pages on our site are protected by the Copyright and Related Rights Act, the Trademark Act and other related laws. Any unauthorized use of the Content, any reproduction, adaptation, translation, archiving and processing in other media, including archiving or processing in electronic media, are subject to copyright. Any use, in whole or in part, requires the prior written permission of Beorol. This means that unless otherwise noted, all content (text, visual and audio materials, databases, developer code) may be viewed, copied, printed or downloaded solely for personal, non-commercial use and for informational purposes, provided you do not remove, add or modify any information, including copyright notices and other proprietary notices contained in the content itself.

You may not distribute, copy (except under the conditions set out in these Terms of Use), transmit, display, publish, protect as your intellectual property right, create derivative works, sell or otherwise use the content without the prior written permission of Beorol d.o.o. As a condition of your access to and use of this site, you represent, under full material and criminal liability, that you will not use these sites for any purpose prohibited by these terms of use, by law, or in a manner contrary to public morality. It is forbidden to use our websites to post or transmit any threatening, false, deceptive, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, provocative, pornographic or profane material that violates any applicable law.

By editing the text on this page, Beorol d.o.o. may change the Terms at any time. You will be automatically bound by the new terms of use contained in the changes and you should visit this page from time to time to be informed of the currently applicable terms because they are legally binding on you. Certain provisions of these Terms may be superseded by legal acts or legal notices stated on other pages of our site. Beorol will not be responsible for any consequences resulting from any changes. These changes take effect by posting on these websites.


Access restriction

Failure to comply with the terms, deadlines and notices on this site will result in the automatic cancellation of all rights granted to you without notice, and you must immediately destroy any copies of the materials you own or are under your control. Beorol reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to deny you access to this site or any portion thereof without notice.


Data privacy

To fulfill your requirements and needs, Beorol collects certain personal information when browsing some of the sites on this site. We only collect necessary, basic customer information and data necessary for business and customer information in accordance with good business practices and in order to provide quality service. With the help of this information we will be able to deliver the goods you want, as well as inform you about the current status of your order. Beorol is committed to protecting the privacy of all users of the site. Beorol respects the privacy of its users and in all respects the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act. Beorol will not disclose information that the user places on the Beorol Web site and other user information, except as expressly provided by law.

Any personal information (your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address) that you leave on the site by email or otherwise will be used by Beorol in accordance with the Privacy Policy internet site. Any other announcements or materials you upload to the site, such as questions, comments, suggestions and the like, will not be considered confidential or protected. Some pages on this site may store certain packages of information known as "cookies" on your computer. The purpose of this technology and the information it gathers is to help us improve our site.


Trademarks - registered marks

The Beorol logo is owned by the Beorol d.o.o. Belgrade, Serbia. The site may contain trademarks and trademarks of other companies with which Beorol cooperates and whose goods it sells. Any unauthorized use or misuse of logos and labels is expressly prohibited and is a violation of the Trademark, Trademarks, Other Intellectual Property Laws or Unfair Competition. You may not use the names, logos, trademarks, trademarks or service marks without the prior written consent of their full owner.


General Disclaimer

You use the site at your own risk and at your own risk. Beorol doo, or any of its affiliated or subsidiary legal entities, employees or executives, or any third party engaged by Beorol in creating, producing and setting up and maintaining the Site, are not responsible for any material or intangible, direct, indirect or consequential damages, as well as any other damages arising out of the use or in connection with the use of the site or its content, whether the damage is contract based, is non-contractual and delicate, even in spite of one's notice that the damage may occur without whether the client was informed of the possibility of such damage. If for any reason, the use of materials, information or services from this site results in the need for servicing the equipment, you are responsible for the costs incurred.

Beorol is making great efforts to keep the www.beorol.com site safe from viruses, but we cannot guarantee that there is no virus at all. For this reason, we recommend that you ensure that you have adequate protection against viruses (say, by using a virus scanner) before downloading documents and data. Beorol does not guarantee that any error will occur when using the services offered on the website, nor that these services will always be available.