Garden program

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82 product
Sačuvano u omiljne
For cutting hedges Scissors length 50.4cm, blade length 18cm Material: Steel / wood ...
Sövényvágó olló
Sačuvano u omiljne
Four-layer with polyester reinforcing mesh Operating pressure 8 bar, up to a maxim...
Kerti tömlő economic 1/2" 20m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Four-layer with polyester reinforcing mesh Operating pressure 8 bar, up to a maxim...
Kerti tömlő economic 1/2" 30m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Four-layer with polyester reinforcing mesh Operating pressure 8 bar, up to a maxim...
Kerti tömlő economic 1/2" 50m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Four-layer with polyester reinforcing mesh Operating pressure 8 bar, up to a maxim...
Kerti tömlő economic 3/4" 20m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Four-layer with polyester reinforcing mesh Operating pressure 8 bar, up to a maxim...
Kerti tömlő economic 3/4" 30m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Three-layer, made of plasticized PVC with polyester reinforcing mesh Working pressure 6...
Kerti tömlő plus 1/2" 25m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Three-layer, made of plasticized PVC with polyester reinforcing mesh Working pressure 6...
Kerti tömlő plus 1/2" 50m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Three-layer, made of plasticized PVC with polyester reinforcing mesh Working pressure 6...
Kerti tömlő plus 3/4" 25m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Made of plasticized PVC in 6 layers with double braided polyester reinforcement. Workin...
Kerti tömlő anti twist 1/2" 25m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Under pressure, it increases its length 3x and after the water flow stops, it returns to...
Kerti flexibilis tömlő, 15m - piros
Sačuvano u omiljne
Under pressure, it increases its length 3x and after the water flow stops, it returns to...
Kerti flexibilis tömlő, 15m - Kék
Sačuvano u omiljne
Under pressure, it increases its length 3x and after the water flow stops, it returns to...
Kerti flexibilis tömlő, 15m - zöld
Sačuvano u omiljne
For economical and precise irrigation Saves up to 70% of water by reducing evaporation ...
Kerti tömlő 1/2" 15m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Adapters GADV34
Purpose: For quick connection of two hoses to the water supply Adapter with switch Mat...
Két utas elosztó
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: For connecting a 3/4" or 1" faucet and a hose Inlet: Female 3/4"...
Vízcsap csatlakozó 3/4" és 1"
Sačuvano u omiljne
Adapters GASP34
Purpose: For connection of a 1/2"or 3/4" pipe to the hose Inlet: Female 1/2&q...
Vízcsap csatlakozó 1/2" és 3/4"
Sačuvano u omiljne
Adapters GSBA12
Purpose: For quick connection of hoses and adapters Automatic stop of water flow in cas...
Tömlőcsatlakozó, vízstoppos, 1/2"
Sačuvano u omiljne
Adapters GSBA34
Purpose: For quick connection of hoses and adapters Automatic stop of water flow in cas...
Tömlőcsatlakozó, vízstoppos, 3/4"
Sačuvano u omiljne
Adapters GSBP12
Purpose: For quick connection of hoses and adapters Material: ABS Inlet: 1/2" Ou...
Tömlőcsatlakozó 1/2"
Sačuvano u omiljne
Adapters GSBP34
Purpose: For quick connection of hoses and adapters Material: ABS Inlet: 3/4" Ou...
Tömlőcsatlakozó 3/4"
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: To quickly connect two garden hoses or hoses with a quick connector Material: ...
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: To connect two 1/2" hoses Material: ABS Inlet/Outlet: 1/2"  ...
Tömlőtoldó 1/2"
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: To connect two 3/4" hoses Material: ABS Inlet/Outlet: 3/4"  ...
Tömlőtoldó 3/4"
Sačuvano u omiljne
Adapters GSP1234
Purpose: To connect two 1/2" and 3/4" hoses Material: ABS Inlet/Outlet: 1/2&...
Tömlőtoldó 1/2"-3/4"
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: For connecting hoses with three male connectors Material: ABS Input/Output: M...
"Y" elosztó
Sačuvano u omiljne
Adapters GSPV34
  Purpose: To connect two hoses to the water supply With valves for water flow re...
2 utas elosztó vízcsapra, 3/4"
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: For spraying surfaces with adjustable width of water spray Material: ABS Outl...
Alapkészlet, 5 részes
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: For spraying surfaces with adjustable width of water spray Material: ABS Outl...
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: For spraying surfaces with 3 operating modes With a protected metal sheet for ...
Állítható locsolópisztoly
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: For spraying surfaces with 9 operating modes With a protected metal sheet for ...
9 funkciós locsolópisztoly
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: For spraying surfaces with 9 operating modes With a protected metal sheet for ...
6 részes öntöző készlet
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: For surface controlled irrigation With watera ing distance regulator Has an a...
Leszúrható esőztető
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: For surface controlled irrigation Setting: Flow or final element in an irrigat...
Kör esőztető, műanyag
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: For watering and irrigating lawns and gardens, up to 35m2 Oscillating sprinkle...
Billegő esőztető, 18 lyukú
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: For spraying surfaces with 6 operating modes with a built-in on/off switch Len...
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: Ensures that the hose does not jam items that can damage it or circumvent the a...
Csővezető -beszúrható
Sačuvano u omiljne
Purpose: For storing hoses with a maximum length of up to 45 meters and dimensions of 1/...
Tömlőkocsi, 45m
Sačuvano u omiljne
  Purpose: For hose storage It is mounted on the wall Material: ABS
Fali tömlőtartó
Sačuvano u omiljne
For spraying water, herbicides or pesticides, ideal for household or garden use Materia...
Virágpermetező, 1,5l
Sačuvano u omiljne
For spraying water, herbicides, pesticides Can be used for cleaning by spraying from pr...
Kézi nyomáspermetező 5l
Sačuvano u omiljne
For spraying water, herbicides, pesticides Can be used for cleaning by spraying from pr...
Kézi nyomáspermetező 8l
Sačuvano u omiljne
Used as protection from the sun and water or for storing materials that should not be in...
Takaróponyva 2x3m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Used as protection from the sun and water or for storing materials that should not be in...
Takaróponyva 3x4m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Used as protection from the sun and water or for storing materials that should not be in...
Takaróponyva 4x5m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Used as protection from the sun and water or for storing materials that should not be in...
Takaróponyva 4x6m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Used as protection from the sun and water or for storing materials that should not be in...
Takaróponyva 5x6m
Sačuvano u omiljne
Used as protection from the sun and water or for storing materials that should not be in...
Takaróponyva 5x8m